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RAWR-Logo4-04 (1)

Wheelchair Hip Restraint


Note: The Wheelchair Hip Restraint has been superseded by the:

These newer items are more discreet than the Wheelchair Hip Restraint.

To Use

Place the Pad over the Patient’s hips. The hip webbing on both sides goes around the back of the chair. The groin webbing is placed under the chair. Both hip webbings are passed through the most appropriate groin webbing loop, to give a good fit.

The hip webbing is then wound around the lower frame as much as possible, but allowing enough for the double Hook & Loop Tape section to thread through the plastic loop on one side of the hip webbing before fastening. The webbing should be in front of the vertical support frame, so that the Patient cannot push the webbing off the end of the horizontal tilt bar.

Do not neglect good nursing care. Continually monitor Patients to ensure the correct item is being used. If not suitable, worn or defective, contact the manufacturer for advice.

General Public Restraint Authorisation Letter: If this product is purchased for use in a private home, we require authorisation from a suitable person. This is to ensure it will be used correctly and safely by the family and/or carers, and that using it will not be dangerous. Examples of a suitable person who is able to sign the letter are: Occupational Therapist; Physiotherapist; Clinical Nurse Manager; Registered Nurse; Doctor; or another suitably qualified person. Click here to print the letter template, and please return a copy to us when ordering. Note: This letter is not required when we send restraints to aged care facilities or hospitals, because their staff are already trained in their safe use.

Note: We are unable to sell this product to the USA.

Weight 0.4 kg
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Wheelchair Hip Restraint